Sunday, 28 February 2010

Criters don't dye thay just go sumwher else

to orl yu owt ther whot wos wunderin how flaffers culd post on this blogg well i stil think he can yu no.

her's a resent fotigraff

bye the way flaffers come from a pett shop wer thay sed he wos female an then my humun notised this female hammster lickin her scrotum

Friday, 26 February 2010

This is a gest post wot is a story abowt an advencher whot flaffers had wen he stil lived in the storij crayte

Helo everwun!

wel for sum reesun my humum (who i think is feemale) has tayken up with anuther humun (who i think is male but im not shor) wot has a howse an i wus rownd ther the uther day an i manijed to get under the kichin dor an into the kichin. an then i manijed to get under a kichin unit an i choase the only wun wot you carnt get to. i'v tryed this in my humun's howse but shee can orlways get the plintth off the frunt so thats no fun is it.

an i didunt cum owt!

it wos a lot of fun wotching them trying to find mee! an the male humun ses I wos playin %!&*?>@~ mind games. I wos! An it werkt! ha ha ha i got im dint i. wen thay ferst met she sent him a nemail sayin that ther wos a singniffer, erm, importunt male in her lyfe an that wos me. he'd beter berliev it!

i did cum owt but not untill ther folowing day wen the male humun wos on the fone to her. Thort i mite sneek parst without him noatising but no such luck. mabe next tyme.

hahahahahahahaha wot a gud advencher!

Flaf xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 21 February 2010

This blogg is a bit like reedin chaucer aparently

an i wos thinkin abowt falafel who wos the preevius tenant in this storij crate wot i liv in an i'll put sum pics up soon. falafel used to hav a blog but falafel's humun had a nutter as a male humun who thort that falafel wos a nalter-ego for getin at him wot a berk. but it did meen that flaffers's blog got tayken down by the poerlice cos for this is wot hapens if yu rite rude stuff abowt pipple on the interweb. but he's still a berk.

this is my favrit cartooon its by noel ford an he rote to me an sed i culd use it on her so thankks to noel ford who is rarther wunderful:

Thursday, 18 February 2010

This is whot i got on valerntines day

This is my valertin card i liked it ver much but i doant no hu sent it do eny of yu recernise the riting?

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

herbert wos til luking for tea

This picher is the same playce as the uther wun cep that herbert has mooved round to see if ther's eny tea on this side of the tidyer-uper-thingy but ther isunt. i got a valerntines card an i wil put it up her tomoro

Monday, 15 February 2010

Welcum to tootsie's new bloggg - speshul!

Ferst of orl i'm starting of wif a histery of the hammsters whot of livd in the storige crate wot i live in now and so her's herbert an thay orl thort herbert wos a boy hammster untill thay spottid too neet lines of nipples.  and no willy.  so her's herbert.

Akshully she's lukin to see if ther's any tea in that fing wot looks like the iner of a woshing mashine but is in fakt a cuttlerey tidyer-upper from IKEA.  i'll put up anuther pic of herbert tomoro.